
Career paths

A thesis in the DOK paves the way towards various career paths, which are as diverse as the Ph.D. students themselves.

Practical career
This programme promotes a broadly based, interdisciplinary education in general management. In particular, it enhances the career opportunities of such graduates as will later operate in working contexts with demanding cultural requirements. These quite generally include working contexts in other geographical cultural areas (transcultural management), as well as non-profit organizations, public organizations, social ventures, NGOs, health organizations, etc. The specialisation courses at the coursework stage confront students with specific research fields of the DOK research community.

Academic career
This programme systematically deals with fundamental social and cultural science theories, and particularly their potential for work on issues concerned with management theory. In particular, this includes a thorough education in the field of qualitative, context-sensitive and practice-related research methods. It is of central significance here that research itself is conceived of as cultural practice, in which epistemological, conceptual and methodological issues must be regarded as an indivisible unit. The basic courses of the coursework stage introduce students to the research modes of the relevant disciplines of cultural and social science, as well as organizational research.
