Campus - 28.10.2022 - 00:00
The “Students’ Philanthropic Foundation” is a student-run organisation. It was founded by a group of German students and has grown strongly since then. The “Students’ Philanthropic Organisation” now has offices in 20 locations around the world. From Spain and the USA to Switzerland, and more precisely to the University of St.Gallen. The goal of the “Students’ Philanthropic Foundation” is to fight extreme poverty by recognising that good education is the key to economic success. The projects are primarily located in Asia and South America and are carried out together with the international organisation “Plan International”. The latter already has years of experience with projects of this kind, which facilitates the implementation of the projects.
Support for women in Nepal
One current project is in Nepal. But why Nepal? Especially in rural areas of Nepal, there are inadequate working conditions, a lack of jobs and poor remuneration. As a result of this, many people are migrating from rural areas to larger cities in the hope of finding work there. One specific example of this is Pokhara, where one of the projects is being implemented.
With the help of donations, a total of 460 women from rural regions are to be given the opportunity to complete training there in order to obtain the required skills and qualifications so that they can practise a profession later on. This training includes, for example, lessons in English and mathematics as well as the use of computers. Another component of the project is to provide facilities such as childcare centres so that young mothers can also pursue vocational training alongside their roles as mothers. Both the practical training and also the contact with experts from different fields of work should make it easier for the women to begin their working lives.
Making the working environment safe
In addition to the women, 300 employers will also participate in the project. The aim is not only to give women more opportunities in the world of work through better qualifications and practical experience, but also to ensure that the working environment as a whole is safe. Employers are primarily responsible for this.
The “Students’ Philanthropic Foundation” has its own website, which reports on various projects and also explains how to get involved. This is possible, on the one hand, in the form of a donation that can be made directly via the website and that is used in full for the implementation of the projects and, on the other hand, by becoming part of a branch. Interested parties can apply via the website or directly by email.
If you would like to receive further information about current projects and events, you can find it on the Foundation’s own Instagram account.
Jacob Coburger is studying business administration and is in the third semester of his Bachelor’s degree.
Picture: Students’ Philanthropic Foundation
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