
Events - 12.06.2014 - 00:00 

Eastern Enlargement of the EU

The Center for Governance and Culture in Europe (GCE-HSG) is organizing a public conference on the eastern enlargement of the EU from 18 to 20 June in the St. Gallen State Chancellery. Former EU Commissioner Günter Verheugen will speak at 17:00 on Wednesday, 18 June.


11 June 2014. The eastern expansion of the EU in 2004, and again in 2007, posed a great challenge both for the European Union and for the post-Communist accession countries.

What changes have the accession countries experienced, what expectations do other potential candidate countries have? And what impact will the crisis in Crimea have on the European project? These issues will be the focus of expert discussions during the public conference on “The Eastern Enlargement of the EU: Effects – Challenges – Visions”.

The conference will kick off at 17:00 on Wednesday 18 June with a talk by former EU Commissioner Günter Verheugen titled “Enlarging the EU towards Eastern Europe: Views from an Insider”, which will highlight the current debate.

Experts from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Macedonia and Slovakia will be involved in the three-day conference. Other issues to be covered will include the European orientation of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The media are welcome but are asked to register.

Photo: Photocase/ froodmat

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