Events - 03.06.2010 - 00:00
The Centro Latinoamericano-Suizo of the University of St.Gallen is staging an evening of a special kind: on Thursday, 25 March 2010 from 8.15 p.m. onwards, the dancers of Janne Ruth's Dance Company will be bringing South American rhythms into the HSG’s Audimax with their performance No Nordeste é assim (This is how it goes in the North East).
Artistic portrayal
No Nordeste é assim is an artistic portrayal of life in Brazil’s North East. In the performance, themes from the local culture, among them traditions and religions, are expressed in terms of dancing. The piece also deals with social and political issues, such as the refugees’ drama and their attempt to gain a foothold in the modern Brazilian megacities.
Delight in foreign cultures
Finally, Brazil’s North East also presents itself as a place full of joy, dancing and music in the rhythms of the Frevo, the Maracatú, of the Bumba Meu Boi ... No Nordeste é assim is a special mixture of video installation and dance that will not only captivate dance and music enthusiasts but everyone who delights in foreign cultures. Admission to the performance is free.
Invited to come to Eastern Switzerland
The Brazilian dancers have been invited to come to Eastern Switzerland by Marcelo Pereira. The former dancer of St.Gallen’s Municipal Theater and director and choreographer of the dance school Marcelo's Move in St.Gallen has close ties with Janne Ruth’s Dance Company: he choreographs a large part of the dances for the company.
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