Campus - 02.04.2012 - 00:00
26 March 2012. The 285 graduates participating in bachelor Graduation Day included:
Address about regulations
In his ceremonial address, President Thomas Bieger spoke about the emergence of, and problems caused by, regulations. He pointed out to the new graduates that they would be able to avail themselves of many more freedoms in the next stage of their lives – but also that they would be subjected to an ever greater number of regulations.
Globalisation leads to more regulation
Thomas Bieger dwelt on the question as to why the regulation density is constantly increasing. An important motor for more regulation was globalisation, he said. In an unregulated, open market only modest profits can be achieved in fierce competition, and for this reason it was more profitable to live in a market that was compartmentalised by industry access rules and government regulations.
Problems caused by an increase in regulation
However, he also adduced two reasons why an increase in regulations was problematical. Firstly, regulations are not capable of sufficiently covering complex, rapidly changing environments. Secondly, regulations lead to more and more control and monitoring mechanisms. The only counterforce, according to Bieger, was trust – trust in people with a sense of personal responsibility.
The musical backdrop to the ceremony was provided by the HSG Big Band. HSG Alumni Management Board member Thomas Limburg delivered the welcoming address to graduates and guests.
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