lic. oec. HSG, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Dr. rer. pol., EBS European Business School, Germany
Professional Career
lic.oec. HSG, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Dr. rer. pol., EBS European Business School, Germany
Junior-Professor of International Management, Strategic Management, Automotive Management, EBS European Business School combined with the development of the BMW Endowed Chair at CEIBS, China. and the Airbus Endowed Chair at IIM Bangalore, India.
Assistant Professor of International Management / Senior Lecturer with a Focus on South Asia, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University, Australia
Teaching Activities
Doing business in India / India's Technological, Social and Political Context
Top 25 authors in Europe for Academic Supply Chain Management Publications (2001-2015), Charting Leadership in SCM Research from Asia and Europe, International Journal of Production Economics (2018), 203.
University of Liverpool Pump Priming Research Fund Award, UK
Finalist, PTC/ITC International Impactful Collaboration Award, Academy of Management (inauguration event)
Winner, Richard Buechner Foundation Research Grant
Emerald/IAM Indian Management Research Fund Award for the support of knowledge creation and dissemination for the social good in India
Best Paper Award, Decision Science Conference Europe, Hungary
CK Prahalad Excellent Contribution Award, Strategic Management Society, USA (500 USD)
Li & Fung Best Conference Paper Award, International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, China