
Johanna Franziska Gollnhofer

Johanna Franziska Gollnhofer

Johanna Franziska Gollnhofer

Prof. Dr.


Büro 32-206
Dufourstrasse 48
9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses


Sustainable Marketing

Customer Centricity


Consumer trends


Fields of research


Consumer research

Sustainable marketing

Qualitative research methods


Johanna Gollnhofer graduated from the University of Passau in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in cultural and business studies. She spent the study year 2009/2010 at the State University of Management in Moscow, Russia. She then continued her studies in Passau, where she completed in 2012 a Master in Business Administration. As a fellow of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) she studied international affairs at the University of Montreal in the study year of 2011/2012. 



Professional Career

For an overview please see:


Johanna Gollnhofer completed her doctorate in business administration at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) in 2015. The title of her doctoral thesis is "Diving into Consumerism - Exploring Tensions in Alternative Markets". Her doctoral thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. John Schouten. From 2013 to 2015 she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Customer Insight at the University of St.Gallen. Afterwards, she spent a year as a visiting researcher at the Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki, Finland. In 2016, she returned to the University of St.Gallen as a post-doctoral fellow. From 2016 til 2019 she worked as assistant professor for Marketing at the University of Southern Denmark. In Feburary 2019 she started working as associate professor for Marketing at the University of St. Gallen. Since Februar 2020 she is one of the directors (since July 2022 managing director) of the Institute for Marketing and Customer Insight (IMC-HSG) at the University of St. Gallen ( Starting from the sping term 2021 she serves as academic director of the Master of Marketing Management (MiMM) at the University of St. Galllen (


Her research is published - among others - in the Journal of Consumer Research and Organization Studies. She also got awarded with several international research awards.

Teaching Activities

Bachelor (Pflichtkurs) - Marketing

Master (Pflichtkurs) - Marketing Management

Master - Advanced brand management

Master - Exploring consumers and markets through qualitative methods

Phd - Writing excellent marketing publications

Executive education (examples): Customer journey mapping, customer experience, technologies in marketing, voice technologies 

Videos on qualitative methods:



2020 Sidney Levy Award (awarded by the Consumer Culture Theory Consortium)

2020 Ferber Award (awarded by the Association for Consumer Research)


2020 Rigor & Relevance Award (honorable mention; awarded by the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science)


Johanna Gollnhofer regularly presents the following topics to managers and the boarder public: brand management, customer centrictiy, marketing, consumer behavior, and technologies in marketing. 





Editorial Board

Editor of Marketing Review St. Gallen:


Additional Information

Newsletter on sustainable marketing and consumer behavior:

More impressions into the interest and work of Johanna Gollnhofer:

Johanna Gollnhofer disseminates scientific knowledge through different media outlets.


2021                                           St. Galler Tagblatt, Interview: „Viele wollen das alte normale.“ (Wirtschaft, Freitag 18.Juni). 

2021                                           Echo der Zeit (SRF Radio), Interview: Die Psychologie von Konsumentenschlangen (25.05.2021):

2021                                           SRF (10vor10), Interview: Schweiz Tourismus und Roger Federer:

2021                                           1,5 Grad - Klimapodcast (Leonie Neubauer), Interview: 3 Ökotipps mit denen wir das Klima retten,





