
Ann-Kristin Zobel

Ann-Kristin Zobel

Ann-Kristin Zobel

Prof. Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Management

Institute of Management & Strategy
Dufourstrasse 40a

9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Strategic management

Innovation management

Fields of research

open innovation

innovation ecosystems

meta-organizational design

Climate change & net-zero strategies

Further fields of research

Transformation of the energy sector

Smart Cities



Bachelor in "International Business", Maastricht University

Master in "Business Research", Maastricht University

Ph.D. "Open innovation: a dynamic capabilities perspective", Maastricht University 

Professional Career

Postdoctoral researcher, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley

Senior researcher, Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH Zurich 

Teaching Activities

Strategic Management (Bachelor)

Managing Collaborative Innovation for Net-Zero (MUG)

Exploring Sustainability as Strategic Opportunity (SIM) 

The Art of Constructive Reviewing (PMA)

Crafting and Evaluating Research Designs (PMA) 


Co-creating the future of the energy sector - collaborative strategies at multiple levels of analysis

Boundary spanning - individual-level search openness and knowledge transfer in co-located & virtual environments

Coordinating at the digital/physical interface in the context of Smart Cities  

Accelerating the race to net-zero through open innovation 


Academy of Management


World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) organizing team


2022 Abbie Griffin High Impact Award, awarded by the Journal of Product Innovation Management for the article "Benefitting from Open Innovation: A Multidimensional Model of Absorptive Capacity" 

2021, Overall Best Conference Paper JPIM Research Forum “Sourcing External Digital Solutions: The Interplay of Digital Technology Architecture and Knowledge Exchange Processes” 

Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 Best Paper Award

2020, NRP 77 ‘Digital Transformation’, Swiss National Science Foundation

Most cited article, Industry and Innovation

Maastricht University Best Dissertation Award 2013

Top 3% Students of the Academic Year 2009/2010, Maastricht University  

Research Cooperation

NPF 77 “Digital Transformation” 

Free Electrons Research Project
