
Tirza Baumberger

Tirza Baumberger

Tirza Baumberger

Office Manager

ior/cf-HSG, Bodanstrasse 6, Büro 28-202
FR-HSG, Tigerbergstrasse 21, Büro 46-201

9000 St. Gallen
Professional Career

Tirza Baumberger (formerly Amacker) initially studied medicine in Canada and then completed an education as adult educator (SVEB 1 / EUROLTA 1) from 2001 to 2003 in Switzerland. From August 2012 until December 2019, she worked at the Institute of European and International Business Law EUR-HSG. She supported the organization of conferences (St.Gallen International Competition Law Forum ICF, St.Gallen International Energy Forum IEF) as well as the Executive M.B.L.-HSG in administrative matters. As of January 2020, she works at the Institut für Operations Research und Computational Finance ior/cf-HSG as Assistant to the Director. In September 2022, she additionally took over the administrative secretariat of the Appeals and Disciplinary Commission, and since April 2024 she also heads the secretariat of the FR-HSG.
