
Martin Eppler

Martin Eppler

Martin Eppler

Prof. Dr.

Full Professor of Media and Communication Management

Büro 48-125
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Knowledge Visualization; Strategy; Collaboration & Innovation, Data Storytelling

Fields of research


Knowledge Visualization

Knowledge Communication

Collaborative Creativity

Further fields of research

Management Communication

Visual Communication

Business Model Innovation

Strategic Management

Stakeholder Management

Data Storytelling

Decision Making in Groups


University of St. Gallen (lic.oec.HSG/Master (Steinacher Award), Habilitation)
Boston University School of Communication (Dean’s List)
ESCP, Paris
University of Geneva (PhD, summa cum laude)

Professional Career

Vice President of Academic Affairs (as of February 2022)

Head of the University of St. Gallen’s International Study Program (for International MBA Students) (until January 2022)

Guest Professor Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada  

Guest Professor Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

Guest Professor Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China

Guest Professor Aalto University School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland

Guest Professor Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru

Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England

Advisor to organizations such as United Nations, UBS, Swiss Re, Daimler, BMW, Philips, Swiss Military,

Ernst & Young, The European Central Bank, and others. Inventor of  

Previous work for The Creative Business Inc., Bain - Company, Ringier, Geneva Knowledge Group, and the International Herald Tribune.

Inventor of the lets-focus visualization suite


Teaching Activities

Meet up! Using Nudging for Collaboration

Visual Analytics

Dynagrams - thinking in Stereo (Master)

Creability - Creativity at Work (Master and executive)
Sketching at Work (MBA)

Visual Literacy for Management (Bachelor)

Visualization for team processes (Master)

Information and Knowledge Visualization for Business (Master)
Knowledge Managemente (Master)
Knowledge Communication and Visualization (at Aalto University)
Typologies and Taxonomies: Classification in Research (PhD course)
Global Managerial Communication (MBA)
Intercultural Management and Communication (CEMS Master)

Visual Metaphors for Management (Master)

Risk visualization (executive)



Reactance in Visual Climate Change Campaigns

Radical Optionality in Strategic Ideation

Visual Variation: A Knowledge Visualization Notation

De-biasing Management Decisions

Talking Data

Communicating Analytics

Meet up! Improving Meeting Communication through Nudging


Sketching at Work.

Creability: On-demand Creativity for Teams:

Management Atlas:

Collaboration Cards for Teams:

Complex to Clear:

Visual Literacy for Managers:

Dynagrams: Dynamic Diagrams for Strategic Planning

Life Design: 


Academy of Management

Swiss Media and Communication Research Association
various editorial, institutional and program boards


University of St. Gallen 2022 Research Impact Award

2021 Excellence Award (aci) for Innovation in Teaching Research Methodology (1st Place) 

International Book Award (getabstract)

Personalwirtschaft Magazine Business Book of the Year

Abendblatt Career Book of the Year

Best Paper Awards (Academy of Management, Collaboration Technologies and Systems, IKnow, IEEE InfoVis)

Steinacher Preis (beste Masterarbeit)

7 University of Geneva Executive MBA Teaching Awards for Best Core Course (Engl.& French Programs)

ZfU Teaching Award in Gold

IABC Research Award

Who's Who in Science




Topics of recent international and national talks:

Communicating Analytics

Reinventing Meetings

Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Teams

Design Thinking in Management


How to be Clear in Complex Corporate Communication

Clarity in Knowledge Communication

Visualization in Management

Visualization for Inter-organizational Collaboration

Rea-time Knowledge Management

Managing Information Quality

How to Improve Strategy Communication

Making Strategy Implementation Work

Sketching at Work: How to Use Ad-hoc Drawings to improve Decision Making and Collaboration

Using Visualization as a Research Method

Magic Moments in Meetings: Breakthrough Productivity through Interactive Visualization

Editorial Board

OrganisationsEntwicklung (European Journal of Organizational Development) until the end of 2021

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication

previously on the editorial board of: Studies in Communication Sciences, Information & Management, and others

Additional Information
