
Benjamin Schindler

Benjamin Schindler

Benjamin Schindler

Prof. Dr.

Full Professor of Public Law

Tigerbergstrasse 21

9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Procedure, History of Public Law

Fields of research

Administrative Law

Public Procedure Law

Further fields of research

Comparative Public Law

History of Public Law

Professional Career

Associate judge at the constitutional court of the principality of Liechtenstein (since 2024; from 2012-2023 deputy justice); Swiss National Science Foundation-professorship at the University of Berne (until 2012); “adjoint de direction” and data protection commissioner of the Federal Office of Justice (2001-2004)


Schweizerischer Juristenverein (Präsident), St. Galler Juristenverein (Vorstand), Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer (Vorstand)


Walther-Hug-Dissertationspreis 2002, SNF-Habilitationsstipendium 2005, SNF-Förderprofessur 2008, Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2013 (verliehen von der Studentenschaft der Universität St. Gallen)

Editorial Board

Leitender Redaktor des Schweizerischen Zentralblatts für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht (Schulthess, Zürich), und Mitherausgeber der Bandreihe Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsrecht (Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel).

Additional Information

President of the appeals committee of the University of St. Gallen, Associate justice of the constitutional court of the principality of Liechtenstein, Vice-president of the appeals committee of the Reformed Church of Appenzell
