
Thomas Berndt

Thomas Berndt

Thomas Berndt

Prof. Dr.

Full Professor of Accounting

Büro 34-003
Varnbüelstrasse 19
9000 St. Gallen
Fields of research

International Accounting

Corporate Governance and Compliance

Further fields of research

Financial Accounting according to HGB, OR, Swiss GAP FER

Group Accounting

Accounting Theory

Integrierte Berichterstattung

Financial Statement Analysis


Accounting History

Selected Problems of Balance-Sheet Preparation and Auditing

Teaching Activities

- Financial Reporting
- GroupAccounting
- Integrative seminar L&E
- Law in the economic business administration
- corporate transactions and their legal and economicimplications
- Reporting Governance- International Accounting
- Executive Education (EMBA-HSG)
- IFB management seminars


- American Accounting Association (AAA)
- European Accounting Association (EAA)
- Ethics and Compliance Switzerland
- Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.
- Examining board for auditors, auditor examiningboard, Germany

Additional Information

University and academic committee work:
- Appeal committee of the University of St. Gallen
- Disciplinary committee of the University of St.Gallen
-  Conference of the Institute Board of the University of St. Gallen

Lecturer for postgraduate training:
- University of Augsburg, Centre for advanced trainingand transfer of knowledge (Zentrum für Weiterbildung und WissenstransferZWW) 

Secretary: Manuela Leuenberger
