The independent Whistleblowing Office can be contacted in the event of suspicion of illegal actions or unfair conduct.
Employees of HSG and its institutes and research centres, students and external partners can use the Whistleblowing Office if they wish to report suspected or actual violations.
Information can be provided by e-mail, letter or in a personal conversation. An electronic reporting system is therefore also available. This provides you with the possibility of anonymous, protected dialogue via a server outside of HSG.
Electronic reporting system
The Whistleblowing Office is supervised by the former Cantonal Councilor, Kathrin Hilber. Since 2012, the trained mediator has been in charge of the Whistleblowing Office of the Canton of St.Gallen. Since 2013, she has also been the ombudswoman for government employees of the Canton of Glarus and since 2017 also for the diocese of St.Gallen. Her deputies are Dr. Matthias Weishaupt and Raphael Kühne (lic. oec. HSG), both also trained mediators. Matthias Weishaupt was a member of the Cantonal Council of Appenzell Ausserrhoden from 2006 to 2019; from 2015 to 2017 he was also President of the Cantonal Council. Raphael Kühne is an independent lawyer. Neither of these persons are related to the University of St.Gallen. They are also in charge of the HSG's Ombudsman's Office; Kathrin Hilber as ombudswoman, Matthias Weishaupt and Raphael Kühne as her deputies.
Kathrin Hilber
lic.phil., Mediator
Whistleblowing Office of the University of St.Gallen (HSG)
Oberer Graben 46
9000 St.Gallen
+41 79 632 14 34