Campus - 02.10.2020 - 00:00
2 October 2020. In its Roadmap 2025, the University of St.Gallen undertakes to “inspire people acting in an ethical and socially responsible manner to participate innovatively in the further development of business and society” and, in this context, regards the Pride Month as an opportunity to further the development of society in a progressive way. “For our University, pride does not simply mean that everyone can live their identities and be proud of them. As an inclusive community, we owe each other respect and appreciation,” says President Bernhard Ehrenzeller.
Active LGBT+ allies at the HSG
During the Pride Month, the HSG will hoist rainbow flags and conduct a poster campaign. Various bodies, such as Career & Corporate Services, the Student Union, the Dean’s Advisory Office and many others will take part in the Pride Month, put up small rainbow flags and wear rainbow pins. At a workshop, students and staff can learn more about the issues of gender diversity and sexual orientation. The project team with Carmen Jeanguenat, Alexander Köhne Godoy, Rebecca Wirbel and Pride Month initiator Andreas Oberholzer are particularly pleased with the HSG bodies’ open doors for their concerns and with the active support provided by the Canton of St.Gallen. Thus a distribution campaign for the Coming Out Day on 12 October at St.Gallen railway station was born. Students from St.Gallen’s University of Applied Sciences have also let themselves be inspired to organise pride activities by the HSG students’ initiative.
The Pride Month project team invites the general public to the following events:
Please register for the events and comply with the FOPH precepts. All the information about the programme of the Pride Month can be found at
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