
Campus - 20.02.2012 - 00:00 

On the threshold of working life

The official recruitment event HSG Talents Conference will be taking place at the University of St.Gallen from 28 February to 24 March 2012. It is being organised by seven students. More than 100 firms will participate.


21 February 2012. The Conference will be launched with a panel discussion: well-known politicians and representatives of trade and industry will debate fair and sustainable remuneration systems. The six experts on the panel will discuss the students’ questions about tomorrow’s fair salary systems.

The discussion round entitled “Are the golden times over (at last)? The future of fair, sustainable and performance-oriented salary systems” will take place onTuesday, 28 February at 6.15 theAudimax (Room 09-010) of the HSG, with the following participants:

  • Daniel Jositsch, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Zurich and National Councillor (Social Democrats)
  • Thomas Minder, initiator of an initiative against exorbitant remuneration (Abzocker-Initiative), entrepreneur and Councillor of States
  • Thomas Daum, Director of the Swiss Employers’ Federation
  • Dr Stephan Hostettler, Managing Director of Hostettler, Kramarsch und Partner (business consultancy)
  • Roger Köppel, editor-in-chief and publisher of Weltwoche
  • CédricWermuth, co-initiator of the 1:12-Initiativeand National Councillor (Social Democrats)
  • Chair: Urs Wiedmer, moderator of the Arena programme on Swiss Television

Recruitment fair on the Olma premises

The centrepiece of the HSG Talents Conference, the recruitment fair, will take place on Tuesday, 6 March 2012, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. in Olma Hall 9.1. About 90 firms including Bühler Uzwil, BMW, KPMG, Credit Suisse, SBB, Hugo Boss, Nestlé, IWC, UBS, St.Galler Kantonalbank, Google and Raiffeisen Schweiz will present themselves during an afternoon.

Workshops and prssentations

From 29 Februaryto 22 March,a number of firms will conduct workshops, presentations and informal meetings on the HSG campus. Major corporations but also regional companies from all industries will present themselves to students with special guests, such as Dr Hubert Achermann, CEO of KPMG Switzerland.

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