
Events - 24.02.2011 - 00:00 

Nonprofit management

The “Deaconship Management” symposium took place at HSG February 17-19, when 50 nonprofit managers from Germany discussed the St.Gallen Management Model.

23 February 2011. The occasion for the symposium was the 30th anniversary of Emeritus Professor Alfred Jäger, who took a position in Bielefeld, Germany, in 1981 and who is responsible for the propagation of the St.Gallen systematic approach in the German nonprofit sector.

Deaconship and management
A panel discussion on the St.Gallen Management Model, its various characteristics and its relevance for the nonprofit sector included Prof. Dr. em. Walter Krieg, Prof. Dr. em. Rolf Dubs, Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger, Prof. Dr. Thomas Beschorner, Dr. Jürgen Spickers and Dr. Harald Tuckermann. The participating managers are all from diaconal businesses, i.e. social businesses with a Protestant identity. Deaconries are one of Germany’s most dominant employers, employing about 400,000 people.

30 years of experience
For 30 years, the St.Gallen Management Model has shown its effect on deaconry work. Thirty years ago, Prof. Dr. em. Jäger, the former Protestant minister for students at HSG, accepted a chair for systematic theology in Bielefeld. There, he adapted the St.Gallen systematic approach for deaconry work.

Host Alfred Jäger
Prof. Dr. em Jäger played host to the event, which was organized at HSG by the Department of Deaconship Science and Management (IDM) at the University for Church and Deaconry in Wuppertal/Bethel. The managers participate in in-service training Master and PhD programmes in deaconry management at IDM.

Photo: Photocase / fraueva

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