Campus - 27.08.2012 - 00:00
29 August 2012. According to the latest statistics, 7,324 students have enrolled for Autumn Semester 2012 at the University of St.Gallen. This is 198 more than in Autumn Semester 2011.
In the first stage of a degree course, the so-called Assessment Year at the HSG, 1,327 students are expected (previous year: 1,332). At the Bachelor’s Level, 2,503 (2,491) students are to be expected, at the Master’s Level 2,765 (2,568), and at the Doctoral Level 729 (735). These figures are based on enrolments as at 2 July 2012 and are provisional. The definitive matriculation statistics will be published in mid-December as usual.
Creating Rurbania’s future
During the Freshman Week from 10 to 14 September, the newly enrolled HSG undergraduates will deal with the topic of “Development strategies – a country creates its future”. With the help of the example of “Rurbania”, students will be able to familiarise themselves with economic, social and political coherences. With the support of 160 tutors, they will develop new ideas for a sustainable development of “Rurbania”. The best project ideas will be chosen by a jury and presented on the final day.
Discussion about “Change and crisis”
On 13 and 14 September 2012, the HSG will be welcoming the newly enrolled students at the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Levels at the English-language Kick-off Days. Students will discuss the logic of crises and social change. The guests are Roger de Weck (Director General of SRG SSR), the former UBS CEO Peter A. Wuffli and HSG Philosophy Professor Dieter Thomä.
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