
Events - 08.07.2010 - 00:00 

Entrepreneurship and society

At the public Haniel Panel on 27 October 2009 at 6.15 p.m. in the HSG Library Building (Room 09-011) experts will be discussing about “What is to be done - Entrepreneurship and Society”.

20 October 2009. Current trends in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship research constitute the focus of the Haniel Seminar of the academic year 2009/10 at the University of St.Gallen (HSG). In the context of the seminars, which are made possible by the German Haniel Foundation, international guests, researchers and students of the HSG devote themselves to the many-layered developments and the social responsibility of entrepreneurship.

Anyone who is interested is invited to the public Haniel Panel on 27 October 2009 at 6.15 p.m. in the HSG Library Building (Room 09-011). The topic of this English-language event will be “What is to be done - Entrepreneurship and Society”.

Friedman, Martin and Haniel
The panel will be made up of Victor Friedman and Maximilian Martin with Franz Haniel, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Haniel and METRO AG, as well as the entrepreneur Paola Ghillani, who was designated Global Leader for Tomorrow (GLT) by the World Economic Forum in Davos; they will discuss the impact of entrepreneurial action on social policy and society.

Drayton connected by video conference
Thus the issue of social responsibility, which is topical not only in times of economic crisis, is confronted by new forms of so-called “social entrepreneurship”. The American social entrepreneur and CEO and Chair of Ashoka, Bill Drayton, will be connected up live from New York by video conference and will open the discussion.

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