Campus - 24.03.2017 - 00:00
25 March 2017. At the Bachelors' Graduation Day, a total of 323 graduates were handed their degree certificates in the following majors:
Career – an individual summit experience
President Thomas Bieger compared the graduates with alpinists who have now completed a strenuous part of the route. After all, a mountain climb appeared to be a common metaphor for life and career in the local cultural area. "You determine which mountain range you want to locate your expeditions in, and which summits in which order are right for you," said Bieger. The graduates should not be afraid of failing on occasion, but they should assess the risks properly. This also started with the choice of the rope team. "Rope teams which overtake others in an inconsiderate way are ostracised, not only on the mountain but also in organisations," said Bieger. An important factor was the insight that mountaineers could not remain on the summit for ever. "Enjoy reaching the summit, but also master the descent with energy sufficient for you to retain your curiosity and to be able to go on learning."
Attractive social programme
The musical background to the ceremony was provided by the HSG Big Band. HSG Alumni President Urs Landolf congratulated the graduates on their first academic degree. He outlined the great advantages of the large HSG Alumni network for new graduates, in particular, and encouraged them to become actively involved in it. During the Bachelors' Graduation Day, graduates, their relatives and guests were able to enjoy a varied social programme ranging from themed guided tours in the city and guided tours of artworks at the University to Prof. Dr. Johannes Binswanger’s taster lecture on "The strong Swiss franc explained with the help of cartoon stories". In the evening, HSG Alumni held the traditional Graduation Party in St.Gallen.
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