
News Bibliothek - 17.06.2024 - 07:00 

Elsevier and Taylor & Francis: no-contract situation ends

After a solution was found at the end of February 2024 for the contractless situation with Taylor & Francis, the contract with Elsevier has now also been successfully concluded by the swissuniversities negotiating team.  

The new agreement with Elsevier for the period 2024 to 2028 covers the costs of Open Access publications in journals from Elsevier and now also covers titles from The Lancet and CellPress. Here you can find the press release of swissuniversities (currently only available in German). 

Further information on Open Access in general, the Library's services and a list of publishers with whom OA can be published at a discount or free of charge can be found on our Open Access page

If you should have any questions, please contact us at  
