
Campus - 05.10.2012 - 00:00 

480 bachelor degrees awarded

480 graduates received Bachelor of Arts degrees (B.A. HSG) at University of St.Gallen during Graduation Day on 29 September 2012.


29 September 2012. Degrees awarded on Graduation Day included:

• 279 in Business Administration

• 63 in International Affairs

• 60 in Economics

• 30 in Law

• 48 in Law and Economics

Speech on regulations

In his speech at the event, President Thomas Bieger pointed out what one can learn from mountaineering that applies to a professional career. He compared the graduates with mountain climbers who have reached a preliminary peak after a more-or-less difficult climb. “They have an academic degree from a leading business school. This is the basis for further ascent.”

Ascent and descent

Bieger said that it is necessary to pace oneself thoughtfully during the ascent, with a technically correct approach and avoiding endangering others. This is the kind of preparation that HSG provides graduates. It is also important to understand that one cannot stay on at the peak forever. “Today, one can rarely stay in the top position. One needs enough energy for the next part of one’s career path to continue fulfilling one’s duties in a dignified, professional and motivated way”, he said.

HSG’s Big Band provided the music for the occasion. HSG Alumni Young Chapter’s board member Carla Kaufmann also welcomed the graduates and guests.

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