
Campus - 05.04.2011 - 00:00 

Master Graduation Day 2011

On 2 April 2011, 272 graduates were awarded the degree of a Master of Arts (M.A. HSG).


2 April 2011. In his ceremonial address, President Thomas Biegerspoke about the “challenge of the (right) measure”.

Degree award ceremony

A total of 272 Master’s degrees were awarded to graduates in the following programmes:

60 in Banking and Finance;

24 in Information, Media and Technology Management;

19 in International Affairs and Governance (of whom 1 graduate with an additional diploma from theInstitutd'EtudesPolitiques in Paris, double-degree programmewith Sciences Po);

8 in Quantitative Economics and Finance;

44 in Accounting and Finance;

27 in Law;

11 in Law and Economics;

43 in Marketing, Service and Communication Management;

21 in Strategy and International Management;

15 in Economics;

with 29 graduates also completing the supplementary course in Business Education.

President’s speech

In his address, Thomas Biegerasked the question as to the right measure. Formerly, “in the ‘old days’ of national orientation,” said Bieger, there were clear-cut norms for business decisions, as well as a structure and orientation for private life plans. Today, structures no longer existed in this form and were confronted by extremes in every area of life. Thomas Biegergave the new graduates the following piece of advice: “make decisions about your own right measure – with moderation remaining a virtue to this day.”


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