
Sofia Schöbel

Sofia Schöbel

Sofia Schöbel

Prof. Dr.

Associate Researcher


No publications on Alexandria yet

Fields of research

Gamification - Analysis and development of game-based mechanisms to increase user motivation and engagement.

Digital Learning - Develoment and integration of learning materials and online learning plattforms and systems as well as analysis of its design and usefulness.

Business Analytics - Understanding and handling of databases, big data, data mining and a better understanding about the process of data collection, analysis, and visualization (regression analysis).

Interaction and design of smart personal assistants - Design and analysis of smart assistants and user interaction (among other things for subscription buiness models).

Collaboration Engineering - Development and analysis of mechanisms and concepts that support an effective team collboration and interaction and consideration of how to motivate team members for active participation.

Further fields of research

User-centered information system design - Analysis and identification of individual user groups and configurational design of information systems.

Professional Career

Methodological Experience

Qualiative Methods - Conducting and analyzing interview material, focus groups, delphi studies, and workshops.

Quantitative Methods - Conducting online experiments and surveys and analysis of quantitative data with regression analyses, factor analysis, SEMs, configurational analyses (such as QCA), preference analysis (Best-Worst Scaling, Conjoing and Cluster Analysis)

Tools: SmartPLS, R, SPSS, FsQCA, MaxQDA
