Insurance as a second skin: Enabling prevention by advanced digital technologies
Reputation Risk: Opportunities and threats in the age of digital opinion making in
Business Model Innovation in insurance markets
Roles of InsurTechs in Financial Services markets
Customer Value as strategic management focus
Megatrends 2050: Consequences for individuals and markets
Powerful Interaction Points: Saying goodbye to the channel
Learning from the Best: Cross-industry comparison of Customer Value Management
Digital transformation in service industries und -markets
Sustainability and Insurance
Customer Value as strategic management focus
Customer journey and customer experience in FS markets
Mental models of customer orientation in top management
Sharing intangibles
Behavioral data in insurance contexts
Megatrends 2050: Consequences for future markets
Powerful interaction points of the future: Saying goodbye to the channel
Learning from the best companies: Cross-industry benchmarking of customer value management
Leadership by customers
Senior Consultant at an international management consultancy
Managing Director of the Risk Dialogue Foundation, St. Gallen
Member of the Executive Board of the Institute of Insurance Economics
Customer Value in Financial Services and Insurance
Service Marketin
Capstone Project
Skills Seminar: Professional Effectiveness
PhD Seminar: Research Focus in Financial Services
Creating and managing ambidextrous organizations in Financial Services
Behavioral data in insurance: mobility, home & health
Nudging vs Boosting: Behavioral Interventions in Service Settings
2050 Megatrends, everyday life, future markets
Customer Journey in a multioptional society
Creating Customer Experience in Financial Services
Digital Transformation in Financial Services and Insurance
InsurTech: How start-ups challenge incumbents
Smart Data: How to read your customer
I-Society: Trends, values and individual behavior
SMS Strategic Management Society
AMA American Marketing Association
AOM Academy of Management
AMS Academy of Marketing Science
Best Paper Award 2008 in Journal für Betriebswirtschaft
Topics of recently given speeches:
Reputation Risk: Opportunities and threats in an age of digital opinion making
Insurance as asecond skin: Enabling technology driven prevention
Privacy calculus: Consumers' willingness to share personal information
2050: Megatrends, everyday life, future markets
How insurers think future
Young and wild: What is the logic and impact of Insuretechs?
Powerful interaction points: Saying goodbye to the channel
Industrialization of insurance in a digitalized world
Digital Challenge: How insurers react to changes in consumer behavior and technology push
Sustainability and Insurance
Multi-Access: Preferred interaction points with customers
Invent the future: How Mega-Trends are shaping the insurance industry
From P to C: Customer Value for Companies’ Long Term Success
What business are we really in: Market dynamics in Financial Services
Guest Editor IJBM International Journal of Bank Marketing
Special Issue "Creating Customer Value in Insurance Markets" (2018) CfP
Journal of Creating Value Editorial Board
University of Groningen Privacy Paradox
IVEY Business School London / Ontario EMBA-FSI
Fordham University New York City IJBM
Vlerick Business School Gent Guest Professor
University of Tampere / Finland Future of Financial Services
Stockholm School of Economics /Sweden
Hanken School of Economics /Finland Service Management
University of Jyväskylä / Finland
FernUniversity Hagen / Germany Leadership by customers
University of Cologne / Germany