
Thomas Beschorner

Thomas Beschorner

Thomas Beschorner

Prof. Dr.

Professor of Business Ethics

Büro 48-319
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St Gallen
Main Focuses

ethics & economics

business ethics

cultural studies

corporate social responsibility

ethics of digitalization

sports & ethics

Professional Career

2001 PhD at Max-Weber-Center for Advanced Studies, University of Erfurt (Germany); several research and teaching positions in Canada; 2002-2007 project lead of the research group "Societal learning and sustainability", University of Oldenburg; "Habilitation" in Oldenburg 2007; 2005-2006 Visiting Professor, McGill University, Montréal; 2007-2009 DAAD Professor, Université de Montréal and then "Professeur Associé" at CCEAE, Université de Montréal.

Since 2011 Professor for Business Ethics and Director of the Institute for Business Ethics, University of St.Gallen.

Teaching Activities

Broad spectrum of teaching activities, especially to question of business ethics and ethics of digitalization


Cultural (Business) Ethics, Ethics and Digitalization

Thomas Beschorner also frequently writes for public media. Here is an overview:


Thomas received the 2002 'Wissenschaftspreis für Wirtschaftsethik der Plansecur-Stiftung' award for his dissertation. In 2006, he received the annual teaching award of the University of Oldenburg; 2022: HSG Impact Award der Universität St.Gallen
