
Pastoral Care

The chaplaincies of the University of St.Gallen foster authentic and creative integration of the intellectual and spiritual dimensions of life.

The two chaplains are working fulltime, focussing on spirituality, teaching and pastoral care. They offer their services (including baptisms or wedding ceremonies) to members of the university, alumni and persons associated to the university. Furthermore, the chaplains are building bridges between academia and religion and represent the concerns of the university in numerous non-university bodies and organisations.

University Chaplaincies

At the chaplaincy houses, just a few steps from the university, you will find a welcoming place and inspiring events. If you want to treat yourself to delightful hours with an exciting crowd, you are welcome to join us.

Interreligious Dialogue

The chaplaincies of the University of St.Gallen are part of an international network that includes a multitude of confessions and religions. We consider the interreligious dialogue as a process of mutual understanding and enrichment.

Pastoral Care & Counseling

The chaplains are providing students with spiritual guidance and pastoral care and offer assistance and presence in times of bereavement, or crisis. As chaplains we are bound to professional discretion.

If you would like to have a private conversation, do not hesitate to contact us.


Rev. Markus Anker (protestant)
Steinbockstr. 1
9010 St. Gallen
+41 71 744 71 77

Deacon Thomas Reschke (roman-catholic)
Dufourstrasse 87
9000 St. Gallen
+41 71 222 95 10
