Research - 06.03.2018 - 00:00
6 March 2018. For the purposes of this study, 1,000 people were interviewed between 29 January and 14 February 2018. They had been selected to represent Switzerland's adult population. With the help of a scientifically established procedure, they cooperated to determine people's satisfaction with and willingness to pay for 32 programme formats on the two German-language TV channels SRF1 and SRF2.
Approximately CHF 300 "acceptable"
To come straight to the point: according to the study, a "fair" price for the current overall range of TV programmes would be between CHF 240 and 250, a price that would only just be acceptable would be between CHF 300 and 310. Anything above CHF 400 would clearly be over the top. The currently applicable Billag fees – exclusively for TV reception – in the amount of CHF 286 are therefore already very close to the still acceptable price threshold. The fees for radio and television reception currently amount to a total of CHF 451.10, of which CHF 165 are for radio and CHF 286.10 for TV reception. From 2019 onwards, the overall fee is intended to amount to CHF 365.
The DOK and Reporter formats are popular
With regard to programme contents, the study revealed that a majority of interviewees consider that various formats are indispensable and could not be discontinued without causing a great deal of dissatisfaction. These do not merely include prime-time news programmes and documentaries (SRF DOK, SRF Reporter), as well as Swiss films and series, but also the coverage of sporting events, particularly of events that take place in Switzerland or involve Swiss competitors.
Chat shows & co. are hardly necessary
Conversely, a number of programme formats could be abolished without causing any great dissatisfaction. These particularly include formats of other media companies, news about celebs, club programmes, chat shows and music programmes. According to the study, focus programmes, culture magazines, comedy and quiz programmes, as well as foreign series, may also be dispensed with if need be.
Photo: Fotolia /LensW0rld
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