Research - 13.09.2021 - 00:00
13 September 2021. Our joint research team of members from the University of St.Gallen, Novu Office, and HR Campus, interviewed over 150 senior executives based in Switzerland to understand the beliefs, challenges, and uncertainties of those navigating the world of hybrid working. In addition, we launched a large-scale survey of HR and senior executives from 841 Swiss companies of all different sizes and industries. The Hybrid Work Compass summarizes our key findings and serves as a practical, data-driven tool for all those considering their future working models.
Hybrid Work Compass
What distinguishes the Hybrid Work Compass from other reports on COVID-19, home office and hybrid work is its clear future-orientation. Rather than focusing on companies’ experiences during the pandemic, we provide answers to key strategic questions for Swiss organizations, including “What will future work models look like post-pandemic?” or “What are the key challenges that arise in development and implementation?”.
Senior leadership as initiator and role model
Our findings underline the decisive role of senior leadership, both as initiator and role model, in transforming how Swiss companies will work in the future. Other key insights include:
1. Hybrid working is here to stay
The model how we work has changed for good. While only 35% of Swiss companies used or planned to use hybrid work models pre-COVID, 77% of these organizations do so post-COVID. This trend is stable across companies of all different sizes and industries.
2. Hybrid work models are still in their early stages
If you’re yet to develop a hybrid work model, you’re not alone. Only 17% of the companies have fully implemented their hybrid work model, while 75% are still in the developmental stage. However, if you have not even started these conversations (only 7% of companies), you may want to do so soon.
3. The key challenge: Culture
89% of companies see maintaining an inclusive corporate culture as the biggest challenge. New formats and tools must be implemented to unite both remote and on-site employees behind a unique company culture.
4. The key opportunity: Talent Attraction
87% of companies believe that hybrid work models are crucial to attracting top talent, which is and remains a critical factor behind a company’s long-term success.
For all insights and details, including practical examples and strategies, you can download the full Hybrid Work Compass for free.
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