People - 01.07.2021 - 00:00
1 July 2021. Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz, born on 29 May 1979, is a Canadian citizen.
Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz completed her bachelor's degree in sociology in 2002 at the McGill University in Montreal and, in 2003, received her master's degree in Human Resources Management at the London School of Economics. She was awarded a doctorate in Employment Relations and Human Resource Management from the University of Toronto in 2008. The title of her doctoral thesis was “An exploratory field experiment of the effect of non-conscious and conscious goals on employee performance”. In 2009, she completed a degree in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at Kingston University, UK. Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz worked as a lecturer at the department of Leadership, Human Resources and Organisation at the Kingston Business School in London from 2008 to 2011 and then for one year as a lecturer at the Woodsworth College at the University of Toronto. From 2012 to 2014, Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz was employed as assistant professor at the School of Human Resources Management at the York University in Toronto. From 2014 to 2016, she worked as associate professor at the department of management at the IESEG School of Management in Paris and then as reader in Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour at the Greenwich Business School at the University of Greenwich, London. She has been an Associate Professor in Human Resources at the Trinity Business School in Dublin since 2017.
Research: Engagement in the workplace and value-based leadership
Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz is researching the topic of engagement in the workplace and value-based socially-oriented leadership. She looks into how workplaces can be organised to bring about a sense of purpose to people's work; how the perceived stigmatisation of a person's own role interacts with their identity to inhibit engagement. Her research question focuses on how cultures can be created to bring about and maintain engagement. In her award-winning work (MIT Sloan Management Review), she developed ideas on leadership and what is required for long-term direction, engagement for stakeholders and a vision of the future. Her publication list includes 44 peer-reviewed articles, of which 13 have been published in the FT 50 journals. In addition to her quantitative research work, she also demonstrates a high level of quality in her research. For example, her publication in the MIT Sloan Management Review was awarded with the Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize in 2019.
Teaching in the field of Human Resource Management and organisational psychology
She has won distinguished teaching prizes for her teaching work. She lectures mainly in the field of Human Resource Management and Organisational Psychology. In addition to her extensive teaching experience at international universities, she also brings along experience in the development of programmes for undergraduate teaching and executive education.
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