
Publication support

You plan to publish an article, a book, a publication series or a journal and have questions? We will gladly support you:

Today, there is a variety of outlets that let you publish your work, not just the classic model with a publisher. We can advise you about the possibilities and their advantages / disadvantages: 

  • Classic academic publishing
  • Institutional Repository Alexandria
  • Open infrastructure for the publication of series or journals

In accordance with the Open Access Policy, scientific findings should be made freely accessible as far as possible. The Library supports Open Access publishing of articles with several publishers.

For publications that are not covered by agreements held by the Library, you can check if you are eligible for support by the HSG-Publication Fund. For further funding options, you can check the pages of the Grants Office.

Additionally, we can also support you with selecting an adequate Creative Commons license. 

We can also advise on questions concering how to get an ISBN or ISSN, DOI and other issues that may come up in the publication process.

In the course of the publication process, many legal questions may arise:

  • How can I re-use existing copyrighted material in my work?
  • What are my rights as an author?
  • Who owns the copyright?
  • Publishing Open Access: what are Creative Commons licenses?

We can give you answers to these questions.

If you need support in any of these areas, please contact

