
Events - 02.04.2015 - 00:00 

International law vs. Swiss law

Beginning on Tuesday, 21 April, Prof. Dr. Bardo Fassbender will explain the importance of international law for Switzerland’s legal and constitutional system.


14 April 2015. Switzerland benefits both politically and economically from the stability that is guaranteed by its relations with other countries under international law. The traditionally favourable image of international law in Switzerland has changed: "foreign" international law is compared with the country's "own" national law, and subjected to the latter. Successful popular initiatives have succeeded in enshrining provisions in the constitution that are problematic in terms of international law.

Against this backdrop Prof. Dr. Bardo Fassbender, Professor of International Law, will explain the relationship between international law and Swiss law, homing in on the question as to who has the last word in a situation of conflict. On the second evening, the focus will be on the European Convention of Human Rights. This convention contains a catalogue of fundamental and human rights. Most have arisen in connection with this convention and the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. Fassbender will devote the third evening to Switzerland’s relationship with the European Union and to the "bilateral Agreements" and ask how much scope of action Switzerland has left in this relationship, which has become closer.

The three lectures require no prior legal knowledge and will take place at the University of St.Gallen in Room HSG 09-110. They will be on Tuesdays at 6.15 p.m. Dates: 21 and 28 April, and 5 May 2015.

Picture: Photocase / kallejipp

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