
Events - 03.10.2011 - 00:00 

Bachelor degrees awarded

More than 500 graduates received their Bachelor of Arts degrees (B.A. HSG) at Graduation Day on October 1st. In his speech at the event, President Thomas Bieger talked about the relativity of crises.


3. Oktober 2011. The 517 graduates participating in bachelor Graduation Day included 302 in Business Administration, 65 in International Affairs, 78 in Economics, 41 in Law and 31 in Law and Economics.

Speaking about the relativity of crises

In his speech at the event, President Thomas Bieger talked about the relativity of crises and the benefit of considering events against a backdrop of megatrends. He told the graduates that the assessment and bachelor courses at HSG help them to not take the current challenges facing the economy and society – so-called crises – as a given, but to analyze them critically. Because of their studies, the students have a higher-level orientational knowledge of these events and are able to put complex problem situations in a broader context, said Bieger. He noted that there have been many complex situations this year around the world – from the tsunami in Japan and the resulting nuclear crisis to a variety of national and currency crises.

Using orientational knowledge

Additionally, President Bieger gave the students four thoughts to take with them as they leave the university. First, that they are ideally prepared for a life in the economy, and life in general, if they can put developments into historical and other contexts and identify megatrends. Second, it is necessary and valuable to look past one’s own, narrow problems and look for possibilities for development. Third, crises should be understood as situations for decision-making and, if handled properly, do not have to result in catastrophe. Fourth, reflection, communication with colleagues and reading books can help them with that. He added that the HSG alumni network is helpful for exchanging ideas with colleagues.

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