
People - 06.01.2012 - 00:00 

Merkel appoints Bruch and Davis

German Federal Chancellor Merkel has established the forum “Future Dialogue” with well-known experts. HSG professors Heike Bruch and James W. Davis have been appointed to the forum.


6 January 2011. In her New Year’s address, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that she has started a dialogue on the future with more than 100 experts. Throughout the year, the selected experts will meet in the chancellor’s office to compile central, policy- relevant challenges of the next 10 years and possible policy responses. Under the headline “How Do We Want to Live,” three topic areas will be discussed in different working groups. HSG professors Heike Bruch and James W. Davis are among the experts asked to participate.

Prof. Bruch, director at the Institute for Leadership and Human ResourceManagement (IFPM-HSG), has been appointed core expert for demographics. She will head a group that will address questions about demographic changes in the workplace.

Prof. Davis, director at the Institute ofPolitical Science (IPW-HSG), has been appointed to the group “Germany in the Eyes of the World” that will concentrate on questions of German foreign policy.

Beginning in February,the expert dialogue will be complemented by a citizens’ dialogue. Both will be linked via aweb platform and public events during the year.

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