Brenninkmeijer, J., Schneider, T., and S. Woolgar (2020). Witness and silence in neuromarketing: Managing the gap between science and its application. Science, Technology & Human Values, 65(1), pp. 62–86.
Danesi, G., Pralong, M., Grossen, M., Panese, F., Hauschild, M., and B. Burnand (2021). Learning to manage diabetes using a flash glucose monitoring device at a summer camp: A collective appropriation process, Learning. Culture and Social Interactions, 31(A), 100570.
Danesi, G., Pralong, M., Panese, F., Burnand, B., and M. Grossen (2020). Techno-social reconfigurations in diabetes (self-) care. Social Studies of Science, 50(2), pp. 198-220.
Danesi, G., Pralong, M., and V. Pidoux (2018). Embodiment and agency through self-tracking practices of people living with diabetes, in Ajana B. (ed.), Metric Culture: Ontologies of self-tracking practices, Emerald Publishing, pp. 117-135.
Mann, A. (2021). Abandoning questionnaires. Improving quality of life in daily nephrology practice. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 9(1), 53-64.
Mann, A., and A. Mol (2019). Talking pleasures, writing dialects: Outlining research on Schmecka. Ethnos, 84(5), pp. 772-788.
Mann, A. (2015). Which Context Matters? Tasting in Everyday Life Practices and Social Science Theories. Food, Culture & Society, 18 (3), pp. 399-417.
Schneider, T., Brenninkmeijer, J., and S. Woolgar (2022). Enacting the ‘consuming’ brain: An ethnographic study of accountability redistributions in neuromarketing practices. The Sociological Review, 70(5), pp. 1025–1043.
Schneider, T., Fuchs, K., and S. Mayer (2021). Die Datafizierung von Alltagspraktiken: Datenaktivismus als neue Verantwortung? in Henkel, A. (Hrg.) 10 Minuten Soziologie: Verantwortung, pp. 183-196.
Schneider, T., Eli, K., McLennan, A., Dolan, C., Lezaun, J., and S. Ulijazsek (2019). Governance by campaign. The co-constitution of food issues, publics and expertise. Information, Communication & Society, 22(2), pp. 172-192.
Schneider, T., Eli, K., Dolan, C., and S. Ulijaszek (eds.) (2018). Digital Food Activism. London: Routledge.
Further publications of Tanja Schneider can be found on the following pages:
Prof. Ph.D. Tanja Schneider
Associate Professor for Technology Studies
University of St.Gallen
Office 51-6004
Unterer Graben 21
9000 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 29 29
Brenninkmeijer, J., Schneider, T., and S. Woolgar (2020). Witness and silence in neuromarketing: Managing the gap between science and its application. Science, Technology & Human Values, 65(1), pp. 62–86.
Danesi, G., Pralong, M., Grossen, M., Panese, F., Hauschild, M., and B. Burnand (2021). Learning to manage diabetes using a flash glucose monitoring device at a summer camp: A collective appropriation process, Learning. Culture and Social Interactions, 31(A), 100570.
Danesi, G., Pralong, M., Panese, F., Burnand, B., and M. Grossen (2020). Techno-social reconfigurations in diabetes (self-) care. Social Studies of Science, 50(2), pp. 198-220.
Danesi, G., Pralong, M., and V. Pidoux (2018). Embodiment and agency through self-tracking practices of people living with diabetes, in Ajana B. (ed.), Metric Culture: Ontologies of self-tracking practices, Emerald Publishing, pp. 117-135.
Mann, A. (2021). Abandoning questionnaires. Improving quality of life in daily nephrology practice. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 9(1), 53-64.
Mann, A., and A. Mol (2019). Talking pleasures, writing dialects: Outlining research on Schmecka. Ethnos, 84(5), pp. 772-788.
Mann, A. (2015). Which Context Matters? Tasting in Everyday Life Practices and Social Science Theories. Food, Culture & Society, 18 (3), pp. 399-417.
Stehrenberger, A. and T. Schneider (2023). At first, I was only a subscriber”: re-mediating food citizens’ solidarity practices through digital technologies. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Schneider, T., Brenninkmeijer, J., and S. Woolgar (2022). Enacting the ‘consuming’ brain: An ethnographic study of accountability redistributions in neuromarketing practices. The Sociological Review, 70(5), pp. 1025–1043.
Schneider, T., Fuchs, K., and S. Mayer (2021). Die Datafizierung von Alltagspraktiken: Datenaktivismus als neue Verantwortung? in Henkel, A. (Hrg.) 10 Minuten Soziologie: Verantwortung, pp. 183-196.
Schneider, T., Eli, K., McLennan, A., Dolan, C., Lezaun, J., and S. Ulijazsek (2019). Governance by campaign. The co-constitution of food issues, publics and expertise. Information, Communication & Society, 22(2), pp. 172-192.
Schneider, T., Eli, K., Dolan, C., and S. Ulijaszek (eds.) (2018). Digital Food Activism. London: Routledge.
Schneider, T., and K. Eli, (2023) The digital labor of ethical food consumption: a new research agenda for studying everyday food digitalization. Agriculture and Human Values 40, 489–500
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