Postgraduate Studies at Stanford Law School (2013-14)
Admission to Bar of Canton of Zurich (3/2012)
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies of Law, Business and Economics at University of St.Gallen (2004-10), with Exchange Semesters at University of Southern California (2008) and University of Haifa (2008-09)
Grammar School at Kollegium Spiritus Sanctus Brig (1999-2004)
Primary and Secondary School in Canton of Valais (1991-99)
Professional Career
Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Corporate Law at University of St.Gallen (since 5/2022)
Research Affiliate (since 5/2022) and Visiting Fellow (2021-22) at Department of Business and Tax Law of Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in Munich
Visiting Scholar at Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg (2019, 2020, 2021) and with Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Grundmann at Humboldt-University of Berlin (2018-19)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Prof. Dr. Rolf Sethe and Prof. Dr. Hans-Ueli Vogt at University of Zurich (2018-22)
Max Weber Fellow at European University Institute in Florence (2017-18)
Postdoc with Prof. Dr. Tanja Domej at University of Zurich (2017)
Associate in Corporate and Transactions Group at Homburger (2015-17)
Lecturer at University of Zurich (2012)
Research und Teaching Assistant with Prof. Dr. Hans Caspar von der Crone at University of Zurich (2011-13)
Law Clerk at District Court of Brig, Eastern Raron and Goms (2010)
Trainee Lawyer at Lenz & Staehelin (2009-10)
Teaching Activities
Corporate Law II (SS 2024)
Corporate Law II: Exercises, Group 4 (SS 2024)
Integration Seminar (SS 2024)
Takeover Law (AS 2023)
Leading Cases in Corporate and Capital Market Law (AS 2023)
Corporate Law II (SS 2023)
Corporate Law II: Exercises, Group 4 (SS 2023)
Integration Seminar (SS 2023)
Takeover Law (AS 2022)
Leading Cases in Corporate and Capital Market Law (AS 2022)
Management Compensation
Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Blockholder Governance
Climate Change Litigation
European Corporate Governance Institute
European Association of Law and Economics
Gesellschaftsrechtliche Vereinigung
Junge Gesellschaftsrechts-Wissenschaft
Best Paper Award (First Prize) of 7th International Conference on Law and Economics
Issekutz Preis of Faculty of Law of University of Zurich
John Hart Ely Prize of Stanford Law School
Finanzierungsverantwortung von Grossaktionären für unterkapitalisierte AGs EuropaInstitut, Verantwortlichkeit im Unternehmensrecht XII, Verantwortlichkeitsrecht im Wandel, 30 January 2024, Zurich
Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung in der Schweiz und in Europa: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Anpassungsbedarf St.Galler Gesellschaftsrechtstag, 14 November 2023, Zurich
Unternehmensbewertung in der Rechtspraxis Schulthess Forum Aktienrecht 2023, Verwaltungsrat und Geschäftsleitung, 24 January 2023, Zurich [together with Thomas Vettiger]
Klimaklagen gegen Rohstoffunternehmen: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Zukunftsfragen University of Lucerne, Klimaklagen in Europa, 9 September 2022, Lucerne
Climate Change Litigation against Carbon Majors: Royal Road or Dead End? 16th Max Weber Fellows June Conference, 15 June 2022, Florence
Loyalitätsaktien: Handlungsbedarf und Umsetzungsvarianten in der Schweiz Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Brownbag Lunch, 7 February 2022, Munich (online)
Loyalitätsaktien: Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsperspektiven University of St.Gallen, Berufungsvortrag, 19 January 2022, St.Gallen
Blockholders at the Gate: A Survey of Primacy, Anatomy, Incentives and Governance of Large Shareholders 7th International Conference on Law and Economics, 27 November 2021, Tiruchirappalli (online)
Blockholders at the Gate: A Survey of Primacy, Anatomy, Incentives and Governance of Large Shareholders 8th Polish Law and Economics Conference, 22 September 2021, Cracow (online)
Macht und Verantwortung von Grossaktionären, illustriert am Beispiel der Spinne Habilkreis Recht, 12 September 2021, Ernen
Blockholder Governance in Europe: A Story about Power and Responsibility 38th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, 9 September 2021, Barcelona (online)
"Large Blocks with Long Socks" – Auswirkungen von Loyalitätsaktien auf Unternehmen mit Grossaktionären Forum Junge Gesellschaftsrechts-Wissenschaft, 3 September 2021, Hamburg
The Role of European Financial Market Supervisory Authorities during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Blessing or Curse of a New Governor on the Block 15th Max Weber Fellows June Conference, 16 June 2021, Florence (online)
Vergütungen bei Banken und die FINMA – Elf Jahre danach Zürcher Tagung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs im Gesellschaftsrecht, 6 February 2021, Zurich (online)
Ausnahmen und Erleichterungen von der Prospektpflicht in FIDLEG und FIDLEV University of Zurich, Kolloquium, 11 November 2020, Zurich (online)
The Law of Contracts in the Age of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Is the Statutory Risk Allocation pursuant to the Swiss Code of Obligations still adequate? 14th Max Weber Fellows June Conference, 18 June 2020, Florence (online)
Rechtliche Grundlagen der Regulierung von Grossaktionären in der Schweiz: Gleichbehandlung, Transparenz und Loyalität Universität Zürich, Fachgruppensitzung, 25 September 2019, Zurich
Treuepflichten von Grossaktionären in Deutschland und in der Schweiz: Lehren und Konsequenzen aus einer rechtsvergleichenden Betrachtung HU Postdoc Konferenz im Zivil- und Unternehmensrecht, 4 July 2019, Berlin
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law: The Case of the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative and its Counter-Proposal 13th Max Weber Fellows June Conference, 14 June 2019, Florence
Grossaktionäre in der Schweiz und in Europa Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Habilitandenkolloquium, 1 April 2019, Hamburg
Blockholder Governance: Grossaktionäre in Schweizer Aktiengesellschaften University of Zurich, Kolloquium, 4 December 2018, Zurich
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law: Regulatory Approaches for Transnational Companies to Protect Human Rights and the Environment 12th Max Weber Fellows June Conference, 13 June 2018, Florence
The Investor Dialogue of Public Companies: Towards a Differentiated Approach to the Principle of Equal Treatment in Corporate and Capital Market Law European University Institute, February Presentations, 8 February 2018, Florence
Blockholder Governance: The Role of Large Shareholders in Corporate Governance European University Institute, September Presentations, 20 September 2017, Florence
Corporate Governance in Switzerland: Rethinking Board Composition and Ownership Structure 5th Annual PhD Workshop in Corporate Governance, 22 August 2017, Helsinki
Editorial Board
International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal
Research Cooperation
Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Department of Business and Tax Law
Research Institute for International Management, Corporate Governance Competence Center