Gender in Cultural Studies
Diversity and Inclusion
Economy of Care
Queer and Affect Studies
Sexual Script Theory
Narrative Identity
Gender, Queer and Affect Studies
Diversity and Inclusion
Critical Sexualities Studies
26. November 2024 “Enhancing Social Sustainability Literacy: A Critical Diversity Studies Approach”, colloquium lecture, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz.
22. Oktober 2024: “Bridging the gap? From critical diversity to sustainability”, colloquium lecture; and “Feeling Academia”, PhD-Workshop, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Vienna).
24. September 2024 "Swiss Perspectives on Queer Affect Studies", QueerIt - Workshop "Antecedents and Feminist Reception of Queer Theory, Humboldt Universität Berlin, 23. bis 25. September 2024.
19. Oktober 2023 "Queering diversity literacy - connecting environmental and social topics, presentation at the RINGS 9th annual conference Gender, Climate, Movement: Feminist Research and Activism meet Climate Change and Mobility, Universität Paderborn, 18. -20. Oktober.
16. Oktober 2015 " Queering the Palimpsest: Affective interplay across time", Presented at the Affect Theory Conference: Worldings, Tensions, Futures, Lancaster, zusammen mit Andrea Zimmermann, Midville University, USA.
29. September 2023 "From Critical Diversity Management to Social Sustainability", CEMS Blockseminar, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
31. März 2023 "Approaching diversity and inclusion through paradoxical figures of thought", Research Seminar on Integrationsism, Inclusion and Bordering Practices, University of St.Gallen
24. Februar, 3. März und 10. März 2023, "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Gender and Diversity", BA course, Universita Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
28. Juni 2022 "Social Sustainability", HSG Kolleg Workshop "Social cohesion: looking for a suitable approach for the Kolleg from the perspective of social sustainability", Square, University of St.Gallen
14. Juni 2022 "Gender, diversity & social sustainability", HSG Kolleg Workshop «Social Sustainability», Square, University of St.Gallen
24. März 2022 "Challenging Privilege", together with Prof. Jelena Tosic, The WU Gender and Diversity Conference: Diversity, Diversity Management and Intersectionality in a Global Context, Conference 2022, 24 – 25 March 2022
18. Januar 2022 "Intersectionality and Diversity: same or different?" Research Seminar, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Department of Management, 18. Januar 2022 (online)
11. September 2021 "Similarities, Differences and the Hope for Sustainable Coalitions", Conference “Retooling Knowledge: Sustainable Development Goals from the Perspective of the Environmental Humanities”, Franklin University, September 11, 2021
5. Juli 2021 "Difference as different? Understandings of difference in intersectionality and diversity studies", online conference, Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Copenhagen Business School, 05.-06. Juli 2021
26. September 2019 "(Critical) Reflections on Gender, Intersectionality and Diversity Management", Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
9. Mai 2019 "Has Affect Replaces Desire? Queer-Feminist Genealogies and Perspectives in Affect Studies", Tagung "Affect & Gender: Between Academia, Arts and Activism", DFG-Project "Affective Societies", FU Berlin.
16. Juni 2017 "A Third Sexual Revolution? Current Debates on Sexuality", Universität Zürich, Tagung "The Making of Sexuality".
14. September 2016 "From Intersectionality to Diversity and Inclusion: Only paradoxes to offer", CEMS Block Seminar, London School of Economics, London.
18. Juni 2013 "‚I did what one shouldn’t do: I met a new man shortly afterwards’. Violence and the Somatechnics of Silencing and Oppression", zusammen mit Lotta Samelius und Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Internationale Konferenz „Somatechnics“, Universität Linköping, Schweden, 17.–19. Juni 2013.