
Journal / article rating

How to assess the scientific quality of your sources.

Define wether a journal is scientific or popular science:

  • Pay attention to wether a bibliography or footnotes exist.
  • Information about the author and his qualifications / assimilations should be mentioned.
  • Check if the journal is peer-reviewed or refereed. A peer reviewed article has been examined for quality and originality by independent scientists.

The following infographic gives a good overwiew (in German):

HSGswisscovery and some other databases allow you to restrict your search to peer-reviewed journals.

Some databases like Web of Science or Scopus always list refereed journals only.

Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory can be useful to identify peer-reviewed journals.

Which journal has been cited often? With the help of citation indices you can find out which scientific value a publication has in its field. This is expressed by the journal impact factor (JIF), which is genereated mathematically for each journal.

Web of Science 
Using this interdisciplinary database allows you, among other things, to find out how often an article has been cited. Click the CITED REFERENCES tab to use the cited reference search and enter the journal title in abbreviated form. You will get a list of articles from this journal, each with a number of 'hits'. 

Interdisciplinary database that shows, among others, how often an article has been cited and how relevant it is compared to similar articles. Analytical tools allow you to visualize your results.

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Contains a journal ranking. Choose your field, click on „Submit“ and sort the list by "Impact Factor".

Screenshot JCR


More Journal rankings in economics:
IDEAS/RePEc Recursive Discounted Impact Factors for Journals
VHB-Jourqual 3

Biographical information about authors and scientists may be found for example here:

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