Publications - 19.02.2016 - 00:00
22 February 2016. Human migration – what opportunities and risks does it generate? In the February 2016 issue of HSG Focus, we look at questions relating to migration. A selection of headlines from our dossier:
In the campus part of the latest issue of our University magazine, we welcome Martin Eppler, Professor of Media and Communication Management, as a new columnist for this year. In his first contribution, he takes up the cudgels for contextual studies at our University: "Creativity requires contrasts".
Professor Winfried Ruigrok, the President’s Delegate for University Development and Executive Education, as well as Dean of the ES-HSG, explains in an interview why the University of St.Gallen "doesn't have its strategy dictated by Rankings".
Under the "Research" heading, there are articles about Chinese development aid in Africa, money markets and narcissism – three exciting topics which were examined at the HSG.
The "Studies" part includes articles about the 2016 Graduate Business Conference, a pizza-baking Master's student and innovations in our library. Also, Marc Meyer, Dean of Studies & Academic Affairs, is interviewed about "The nerve centre of the University".
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