Events - 18.09.2016 - 00:00
19 September 2016. In the Café des Signes, baristas will serve coffee and provide information about sign language. Hearing guests will have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture of the deaf and to order drinks in sign language. "Sign language is a present from the culture of the deaf for all people. It is available to everyone who is ready to see the world in a different way and to share this experience," says Christian Gremaud of the Deaf Federation.
People who would like to learn more about the inclusion of people with disabilities (such as a hearing impairment) are welcome to attend Prof. Dr. Niels Jent’s and Dr. Regula Dietsche’s seminar on Friday, 23 September 2016 at 2.15 p.m. The seminar will take place in the Main Building of the University of St.Gallen, 1st floor, Room 102.
Communicating with linguistic images
Sign language is a visual language system and offers people an opportunity to extend their way of thinking and to gain new insights. Swiss German sign language is not a translation of Swiss German or High German. People who use sign language think in images. Learning this is the greatest challenge for many hearing people. Those who learn sign language learn a grammar and signs, but primarily they become acquainted with a new, visual language system. Sign language involves people’s hands, arms, body posture and facial expressions. Sign language is used in a so-called "sign space" in front of one’s body, where signs map the past and the future and describe people and events. People who use sign language build a linguistic image. And those who get involved with sign language will see the world with different eyes.
Sign language cafés in St.Gallen
People who would like to exchange information in the Café des Signes in the evening are welcome to visit the Restaurant Lagerhaus, Davidstrasse 42, St.Gallen, on Thursday, 22 September 2016 from 5-11 p.m. On Friday, 23 September 2016, the Café des Signes will open its bar in the Kaffeehaus St.Gallen from 7-11 p.m.
Day of Sign Language in St.Gallen
On Saturday, 24 September 2016, the Swiss Deaf Federation will celebrate the international 2016 Day of Sign Language in St.Gallen. The Deaf Pride Parade will start from Marktplatz Bohl in St.Gallen at 2 p.m. Deaf people will demonstrate for their right to work with visual activities and speeches. After the conclusion of the parade, the cultural framework programme and the celebration of the Day of Sign Language will start in the Red Square in St.Gallen.
Bild: Schweizerischer Gehörlosenbund SGB-FSS
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