
People - 01.02.2019 - 00:00 

Appointment: Barbara Weber

Prof. Dr. Barbara Weber is to be a full professor for Software Systems Programming and Development as of 1 February 2019.

1 February 2019. Prof. Dr. Barbara Weber was born on 12 May 1977. She is an Austrian citizen.

Barbara Weber graduated in economics at the University of Innsbruck in 1999. Following her degree, she received her doctorate in business administration from the University of Innsbruck in 2003 with a specialisation in information management. Her dissertation was entitled "Integration of Workflow Management and Case-Based Reasoning: Supporting Business Process Management through an Adaptive Workflow Management System". From 2004 to 2009, she worked as a researcher at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck and then became the first woman in the Faculty of Computer Science in Innsbruck (Venia Docendi). In 2010, she received an assistant professorship and in 2011 was appointed associate professor at the same institute, where she was responsible for business process management. In 2016, she received a full professorship at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby, where she also led the Software and Process Engineering section at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Research: How can applications become more user-friendly?

Prof. Dr. Barbara Weber conducts research in the field of process-oriented information systems, intelligibility of software artefacts and context-oriented and adaptive software systems. She is internationally renowned for her contribution to flexible process-oriented information systems and in the evaluation of end-user understandability. Prof. Dr. Barbara Weber is currently working on neuroadaptive software systems and software development tools that take into account the emotional and cognitive state of the users and independently reconfigure themselves on the basis of the data collected, as well as the integration of process-oriented software systems with the "Internet of Things". This research poses the highly relevant question of how applications can become more user-friendly and support users in their tasks in a context-oriented and (cognitive) load-dependent manner. The aim is to implement an application development and experimentation platform that accelerates the implementation of context-oriented applications and facilitates the implementation of experiments. She publishes regularly in leading journals, such as, for example "Information and Software Technology", "Software and Systems Modelling", and "Nature Scientific Reports".

Teaching: Programming, data structures and agile software development.

Barbara Weber is bringing many years of teaching experience with her. She has experience in teaching both German and English to computer science and business administration students. In addition to teaching basic courses, such as programming, algorithms and data structures, and agile software development, she also teaches in-depth special courses on agile and lean methods, as well as on the development of process-oriented and event-driven software systems. For Prof. Dr. Barbara Weber, academic teaching is a central element of her scientific work. Prof. Dr. Barbara Weber has received excellent evaluations from students at all levels of academic teaching. She was the first woman to qualify as a professor at the University of Innsbruck and is thus also a role model for female students at the University of St.Gallen.

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