
Campus - 30.09.2016 - 00:00 

531 Bachelor’s degrees awarded

On 1 October 2016, 531 undergraduates were awarded the degree of a Bachelor of Arts on the occasion of the Bachelors’ Graduation Day at the University of St.Gallen. President Thomas Bieger provided the graduates with some pointers about how they could make clear decisions in complex life situations.

1 October 2016. At the Bachelors' Graduation Day, a total of 531 graduates were handed their degree certificates in the following majors:

  • 314 in Business Administration,
  • 85 in International Affairs,
  • 62 in Economics,
  • 35 in Law,
  • 35 in Law and Economics.

Making important decisions in life

After they have been awarded a Bachelor's degree, graduates are able to choose various paths: some start a professional career, others continue their studies and opt for a Master's programme. "The decision concerning the next stage of your life is a complex decision, probably like all weighty decisions in life," said President Thomas Bieger. Since such a decision is not merely based on rational thought, Bieger provided the graduates with three pointers. Firstly, Bieger recommended that when it came to complex decisions in life, the question should be asked as to which variant would offer more options and courses of action. Secondly, there were no fundamentally right or wrong decisions, for contexts could change rapidly. But if in doubt, it was worth making decisions consistently and in keeping with the way one had chosen. Thirdly, it helped to have a reference person to act as a guide. "But also take it easy up to a certain point," Bieger concluded, "for whether a decision was right or not often only comes out at the end of one's life."

Attractive social programme

The musical background to the ceremony was provided by the HSG Big Band. HSG Alumni President Urs Landolf congratulated the graduates on their first academic degree. He outlined the great advantages of the large HSG Alumni network for new graduates, in particular, and encouraged them to become actively involved in it. During the Bachelors' Graduation Day, graduates, their relatives and guests were able to enjoy a varied social programme ranging from themed guided tours in the city and guided tours of artworks at the University to Prof. Dr. Johannes Binswanger's taster lecture on "The strong Swiss franc explained with the help of cartoon stories". In the evening, HSG Alumni held the traditional Graduation Party in St.Gallen.

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