
Öffentliche Vorlesungen 


Social Justice: perspectives from Britain

Thu. 23.05.2024


18:15 - 19:45


Dr. Martha McCurdy


Universität St.Gallen, Raum A 01-110
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Once one of the most equal rich nations, Britain now stands just behind the United States as the most unequal. Britain is a country where the richest 1% of people are wealthier than 70% of the entire population, whilst marginalised communities face increased financial hardship, social exclusion and discrimination. Decades of austerity politics, Brexit, and Covid-19 have further defined Britain as a nation of divisions and inequalities.

This lecture series studies Britain as a point of departure to explore issues of social, economic and political inequality and difference. The topics discussed include gendered, racialised and classed inequalities as well as struggles for social rights. It examines sociologically how inequalities are produced and contested, whilst asking whether and how social equality and justice can be attained in such a divided and unequal nation.


Donnerstag, 18.15 bis 19.45 Uhr, Universität St.Gallen, Raum A 01-110
14.3., 28.3., 11.4., 25.4., 16.5. und 23.5.2024


Dozentin | Dr. Martha McCurdy, Postdoctoral Researcher und Assistant Chair of British Cultures, Universität St.Gallen
