
Public lectures 

ADHD and parent counselling: Between frustration and courage

ADHD in children and adolescents is much more than difficulties with attention and hyperactivity. In everyday life, symptoms such as a strong temper, intolerance of stress, lability of affect, organisational difficulties and impulsivity become apparent.

Tue. 11.02.2025
Fri. 23.12.2022


18:15 - 19:45



University of St.Gallen, Room A 09-110
9000 St. Gallen
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Psychology / Psychotherapy

ADHD in children and adolescents is much more than difficulties with attention and hyperactivity. In everyday life, symptoms such as strong temper, stress intolerance, affect lability, organisational difficulties and impulsivity become apparent. This makes the parenting task more difficult for parents, requires high levels of adjustment for fathers and mothers, as individuals and as a couple, as well as for siblings.

Organising a normal family day, be it to go to school or work, a weekend or a holiday, can lead to massive conflict and overwhelm, far above the normal level of family stress. The AD(H)S affected children, teenagers, siblings and not infrequently parents feel physically exhausted, emotionally ruined and hopeless.

The lecture gives an overview of intervention possibilities in family and individual settings. Through mostly brief interventions, families have the opportunity to formulate their needs for autonomy, attention and pleasure/unpleasure in the neutral setting of psychotherapy practice. Thanks to resource activation, empowerment and psychoeducation (imparting information about the functionality of the diagnosis), conflicts can be better understood and resolved. 

The lecture can be interactive in the sense of a professional exchange (casuistry, critical points) and is aimed at professionals as well as interested parties.  
