
Ronny Seiger

Ronny Seiger

Ronny Seiger

Prof. Dr.

Assistenzprofessor für Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Software-Engineering-Methoden und -Techniken

Institute of Computer Science (ICS-HSG)
Büro 61-460
Rosenbergstrasse 30
9000 St. Gallen

Computer Science

Software Engineering Methods and Techniques


Software Engineering

Internet of Things

Cyber-physical Systems

Business Process Management

Weitere Forschungsgebiete

Industry 4.0

Complex Event Processing


Systems Engineering

Mixed Reality

Software Architecture


Diplom-Informatiker, TU Dresden (2011)

Doktor-Ingenieur, TU Dresden (2018)

  • Advanced Software and Systems Engineering (Master Computer Science)
  • Event-driven and Process-oriented Architectures (Master Computer Science)
  • Design of Software Systems (Bachelor Computer Science)
  • Event-driven and Process-oriented Applications for IoT (Master Business Innovation)
  • Fundamentals of Computer Science (Bachelors International Affairs and Economics)
  • Coding and Artifical Intelligence (Executive MBA)

ProAmbitIon: Online Process Conformance Checking with Ambiguities Driven by the Internet of Things (SNSF Spirit, 2022-2025)

Software Architectures for Human-Robot Collaborations in Industry 4.X (GFF HSG, GreenBox, 2024)

TaSSAreCt: Towards Sustainable Software Architectures for Cyber-physical Systems of Systems (SNSF Basic Research, 2025-2027)

Weitere Informationen

Ronny Seiger received his Diploma in computer science from Technische Universität Dresden, Germany in 2011, and his PhD in 2018. He was a research assistant at the Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems group from 2012 to 2015 and at the Software Technology group from 2015 to 2019, both at TU Dresden. From 2019 to 2022 Ronny Seiger worked as a Post-Doc at the Chair for Software Systems Programming and Development at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Since 2022 he has been an Assistant Professor for Computer Science with focus on Software Engineering Methods and Techniques at the University of St.Gallen. His research interests include software engineering and software architecture, workflows and processes, Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT), as well as robotics and distributed systems. His main research is at the intersection of business process management (BPM), software engineering, and IoT with a focus on applying BPM technologies for analyzing and automating processes in Cyber-physical systems.

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