
Schreibklausur für HSG Doktorierende

There is simply no time for focused writing in your daily routine? Would you like to take some time off and just write?
Are you a group of three to five HSG Ph.D. students at the research stage interested in spending some time away just writing?

The Early Career Programme offers funding for your "Writing Retreat"

- You must be enrolled in one of the HSG Ph.D. programmes (research stage!)
- You must have submitted your Research Proposal
- Travel, accommodation, and daily arrangements must be organised by the group
- You must dedicate your time exclusively to writing your dissertation
- The retreat must take place between June and December

You are NOT eligible to apply if
-you are in the coursework stage and have not yet submitted your Research Proposal
-you have already submitted your dissertation
-you are not a HSG PhD student

Allocation of funds*
- Rental costs/accommodation
- Flat-rate daily catering allowance
- Travel expenses (2nd class rail travel)
- Optional writing guidance/coaching/mentoring
- Additional expenses related to childcare due to your absence, or having a nanny on site (if you take your children with you)

*Funds must be used reasonably and in a purposeful manner; travel and (recreational) activities must be undertaken with environmental sustainability in mind.


Please submit:
a) each applicants CV
b) application form (download below)
c) an joint application letter that contains:

  • short statement of interest indicating the current progress of your dissertation (publication output) and target output during your stay (scope of paper(s)/chapter, etc.)
  • duration of stay (minimum three, maximum 7 days)
  • destination and accommodation plans

You must ensure a heterogenous group structure

Please submit your application no later than 01.04.2025 (5pm) to

Participants are expected to hand in a short report after completion of the retreat.
Expenses will be refunded after completion of your writing retreat. All expense claims must be supported by receipts and submitted at one point of time.

Questions? Feel free to get in touch via e-mail or MSTeams:
