
Research - 09.06.2015 - 00:00 

FC St.Gallen: more than Football

The FC St.Gallen creates value in the amount of more than 31 million francs. Just over half of this benefits the Canton of St.Gallen. Switzerland’s oldest football club generates a volume of work of approx. 230 full-time jobs. This is revealed by a study of the Center for Customer Insight (FCI-HSG) of the University of St.Gallen.


9 June 2015. The Center for Customer Insight (FCI-HSG) of the University of St.Gallen has examined both the monetary and the non-monetary significance of the FC St.Gallen for the Canton of St.Gallen in 2013 and 2014 in a two-part study, which reveals that in 2013, the FC St.Gallen generated a volume of work totalling about 230 full-time jobs and created a gross value of more than CHF 31m.

Thus the gross value created by the FC St.Gallen is the equivalent of that generated by a Swiss SME in the service sector. Just over half of this value benefits the Canton of St.Gallen. However, the football club is also important for the Canton of St.Gallen above and beyond its monetary contribution. Thus it contributes towards the predominantly positive emotions of St.Gallen’s population, brings people together and is perceived by business customers as a significant advertising medium with a high and regular media presence.

More than 2,200 spectators interviewed

The monetary significance of the FC St.Gallen was examined by means of a value-added analysis conducted by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jenewein, Dr. Kai Kruthoff and Andreas Hess from the FCI-HSG at the behest of the FC St.Gallen. The monetary effects of the club were ascertained on the basis of extensive evaluations of existing studies and a wide variety of primary and secondary data. In the context of the study, 2,233 spectators were interviewed about their on-site expenditure inside and outside the stadium; these interviews were conducted both in the stadium and online. Furthermore, various organisers, service providers and public authorities directly and indirectly related to the FC St.Gallen were interviewed. The non-monetary effects of the FC St.Gallen were identified through written and oral interviews of various stakeholders for a 2014 Master’s thesis by Ralph Lehner at the FCI-HSG.

Every second spectator arrives by public transport

In 2013, the FC St.Gallen created value totalling more than 31 million francs, with over 29 million francs being generated in Switzerland. This means that the gross value created by the FC St.Gallen is the equivalent of that generated by a Swiss SME with 50-249 employees in the service sector. About 70 per cent of the value was created by direct activities of the FC St.Gallen (activities of the club itself, spectator expenditure in the stadium) and about 30 per cent by indirect activities (such as goods/services from suppliers, spectator expenditure outside the stadium).

The club’s business activities produced a work volume of approx. 230 full-time jobs in 2013. Interviews with spectators also revealed that just over 90 per cent of them were satisfied or highly satisfied with their visit to the match. Furthermore, just under 40 per cent of the interviewees stated that the visit to the football match was the reason for their trip to the St.Gallen region. Every second spectator travelled to the football match by public transport.

Identity creation, networking and advertising platform

The FC St.Gallen also has a significance for the Canton of St.Gallen that transcends its monetary contribution. This is shown by a survey of the St.Gallen population and the club’s business and advertising customers, who were interviewed for Ralph Lehner’s Master’s thesis. Just under three quarters of the approx. 200 interviewees from among the St.Gallen population answered the question as to whether the FC St.Gallen made a contribution towards a shared Eastern Swiss identity with an unqualified or qualified yes. For business customers, the club also turns out to be a significant advertising medium with a high and regular media presence, which at club member events is perceived as a network platform.

Besides the predominantly positive effects, however, the FC St.Gallen is also perceived in negative terms. Criminal damage caused by spectators and the related often major police presence result in unease and indignation among the population.

Bild: Photocase / Simmel

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