
Adrian Rinscheid

Adrian Rinscheid

Adrian Rinscheid

Prof. Dr.
Büro 52-5226
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 6/8
9000 St. Gallen

Klima- und Energiepolitik

Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

Politische Einstellungen und Entscheidungsverhalten politischer Akteure


Internationale Politische Ökonomie des Ausstiegs aus fossilen Energien

Auswirkungen sozialer Bewegungen

Klimawandel und Ungleichheit

Wandel zur Nachhaltigkeit in den Bereichen Energie, Verkehr und Landwirtschaft

Diskurse zu Klima und Nachhaltigkeit


Dr. rer. Publ. HSG International Affairs and Political Economy (Universität St.Gallen)   

Master of Arts, Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft (Universität Konstanz)

Bachelor of Arts, Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft (Universität Konstanz & Institut d'études politiques, Lyon) 




Gastforscher, Exzellenzcluster "The Politics of Inequality", Universität Konstanz (Deutschland) | 2021-2024

Assistenzprofessor (entfristet) für Umweltpolitik, Radboud University Nijmegen (Niederlande) | 2022-2024

Postdoctoral Fellow, Universität St.Gallen | 2019-2022

Gastforscher & Projektleiter, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University (USA) | 2018


Seminar Climate and Energy Governance | University of St.Gallen, Master in International Affairs and Governance (MIA) and Master’s Certificate in “Managing Climate Solutions” | since 2024

Seminar The Politics of Climate Change and Inequality | University of St.Gallen, Master in International Affairs and Governance (MIA) and Master’s Certificate in “Managing Climate Solutions” | since 2024

Course Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Solutions | University of St.Gallen, Master’s Certificate in “Managing Climate Solutions” | 2024

Seminar The Political Economy of the Car | University of St.Gallen, Master in International Affairs and Governance (MIA) and Master’s Certificate in “Managing Climate Solutions” | since 2021

Lecture Factor Earth | Radboud University Nijmegen, Bachelor in Geography, Spacial Planning and Environment | 2023

Lecture Rethinking Sustainable Economies | Radboud University Nijmegen, Master in Environment and Society Studies (ESS) | 2023

Lecture Academic Skills I | Radboud University Nijmegen, Pre-Master in Environment and Society Studies (ESS) | 2022-2023

Course Climate Change and Model UNFCCC | University of St.Gallen, CEMS Master in International Management | 2022

Seminar Energy and Climate Governance | University of St.Gallen, Master in International Affairs and Governance (MIA) | 2022-2022

Workshop Kommunikation und soziale Akzeptanz: Klimapolitik und Energiewende in Deutschland | University of Siegen | 2020


"Value orientations and value coalitions in the Dutch agri-food sector", Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) | 2023-2024

"The politics of overcoming carbon lock-in: Managing decline and transition in the automotive industry", Basic Research Fund University of St.Gallen | 2021-2022

"COALSTAKE: The Political Economy of Coal Policy", Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) | 2019-2021

"How Stakeholders Influence Citizen Preferences on Energy Policy: The Roles of Issue Framing and Source Cues", Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) | 2018
